Getting Started

The Weld application is designed in a very intuitive way. You don't really need to read everything in this documentation in order to get started with developing state machines in the application. There are however, some basic details that you should know before getting started, so, we are going to go over those in this section of the documentation.

After downloading and installing the Weld application, you need to create a project to start the design and development of your state machine.

Creating A Project

When creating a new project, you will be asked to provide the following information: 1. Project Name: specify a name for your project 2. Project Location: the location where project file will be stored 3. Source Files Folder: The folder where generated .c source files will be placed 4. Header Files Folder: The folder where the generated .h header files will be placed. 5. Architecture: Specify the target bus width, needed for memory optimizations 6. Build Priority: Choose between optimize for memory and optimize for execution time.

Creating Threads

Once the project is created, you will be redirected to the main page of your project, where you can start constructing your state machine. The first step here is to create at least one thread, by dragging the state icon to the main page. The states that are created on the main project page will act as threads in the project.