
Events are objects that can be used to trigger certain actions or count occupance of certain conditions in the application.

There are two types of events that are available to be used in the application:

  1. Flag Events, which can be used to trigger actions or indicate occupance of a certain condition in the application.
  2. Counter Events, which in addition to use cases of Flag Events can be used to count the occupance of a condition.

Event Properties

Events have the following properties that can be set or modified in the application:

Property Description
Name A unique identifier that is used address the event for, read, write and discard methods
Event Mode Can be use to set the event mode to: - Flag Event - Counter Event
Event Type Is used to indicate whether or not the event should be accessible access multiple thread
Discard Method Specifies the discard method of the event

Discard Method

Discarding an event is exactly the opposite of setting the event and is used to clear the event flag or decrement the flag counter.

In case of a Flag Event the discard method clears the event flag and maked the event ready to be set one more time.

In case of a Counter Event, the discard method decrements the event counter by one.

Events can be discarded in several ways:

  • Manually, which means that the event is not discarded until the program issues a discard method on the event.
  • After Read, which indicated that a discard method is called on the event immediately after it is read.
  • At thread end, which mean the a discard method is called on the event at the end of the each execution cycle of the thread in which the event is created.

Event Methods

The methods that can be used on the Events are